Life with the Wild Things

Just another mom of 2 boys in a house full of energy!

St. Jude Children’s Hospital Game Day Give Back January 12, 2012

Filed under: Family,health,Motherhood,The boys — jdkihlken @ 8:31 PM
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This year I am participating in the St. Jude Game Day Give Back.

It’s a virtual Super Bowl Party.  Below is a link to a website to donate to St. Jude.

Why am I participating?  My story is a personal experience with St. Jude.

31 years ago, my cousin, Kelly Belenchia, passed away from childhood leukemia.  She was about 21 years old.  I was in the second grade.  I remember when I was told she lost her fight with cancer.  It was such a shock.  I just knew that she would be ok.

Kelly was a passionate, active, amazingly cool young lady.  She played softball and rode a motorcycle.  I remember looking at her thinking she was the most awesome person I had ever meet.  She never let her illness bring her down.  From a 7 year olds perspective she seemed invincible.

I remember they took her to Memphis, TN to St. Jude a lot.  She would come back with less hair (or no hair) and weak, but she would be better.  The doctors, nurses, and researchers worked so hard to make her better.

This would have been in the late 70s.  Imagine what they can do now with today’s technology.  My cousin was a fighter and she was surrounded by the best support team in the world.  The facility was first class even then.

I am so lucky that the wild things are healthy.  My other cousins and I are so blessed to have healthy children.  That is why we love the healthy children we have and thank God for them everyday.  We donate to help those who aren’t healthy.

So this year as you get ready for the end of football season.  Take a minute to check out the page below.  Thanks!