Life with the Wild Things

Just another mom of 2 boys in a house full of energy!

Why don’t we take better care of ourselves? September 19, 2011

As moms, we are worried about everyone else.  We obsess over all the little details around our house, the kids, our husbands or significant others, our parents, our brothers and sisters, our friends, our work.  But what about ourselves?  When do we worry about our own health and well-being?  This weekend I noticed how on edge I have been lately.  Snapping at the kids, worrying about things beyond my control, not sleeping well, not taking breaks, not exercising, not eating correctly.  This morning I woke up and the weight of it all hit my so hard.  I did not sleep well… I don’t think I slept at all last night.  Between sinus issues, my 5-year-old climbing in bed and kicking me in the back for 4 hours, an upset stomach, and the list goes on, I realized that I was completely rundown.

I am no different from any other mom I know.  I think this weekend the constant go go go finally caught up with me.  I had the hardest time getting out of bed and preparing the kids for school.  This is very unusual for me.

So I am taking the day to rest and rejuvenate.  Nice hot bath, cucumbers and tea bags on my tired eyes, and sleep to soft music.

While thinking about what I could do to relax and rest, I found this video.

Remind you of anyone?  Me, you, your girlfriends?

So, before this happens to us, I am going to try the 12 week challenge for a BetterU from Go Red for Women.  I want to be a healthier me…for me.  Not for my husband, the boys, my parents or work.  But for me.  Because if I am health and I feel better, then everyone around me will benefit too.

Want to try the challenge with me?  It’s easy to sign up, it’s free.  You set goals that apply to your health risks.

Let me know if you do and how you do.  I’ll keep you posted on mine.


BetterMe Coaching Tool September 18, 2011

Filed under: Family,the little things,women's health — jdkihlken @ 5:38 PM
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The Go Red BetterMe Coaching Tool is the perfect companion to the Go Red BetterU 12-week program. Every day, you’ll get tips, reminders, and more sent directly to your tool. You’ll also be able to chat directly with other members of the program on the “Wall” share tips, motivational quotes, and work through barriers with others. You can also access and edit your journal entries directly from the tool.

via BetterMe Coaching Tool.